Camp Valor
Sponsored by ForVets Inc. Providing Wounded Veterans and Their Families“Life’s Next Mission” ™

“Camp Valor is a much needed program and will serve to create a well defined path to a rich, well deserved, bright future for these brave men and women who have sacrificed so much for their country.” – Dan Cavanah, ForVets Inc President
~ The Camp Valor Project – An Introduction ~
The Camp Valor Project
The ForVets Inc. Camp Valor Project will provide much needed programs that empower and support returning wounded veterans and their families as they transition back to civilian life.
“The choice to go was clear. The ability to come back is overwhelming.” 2nd Lt A.
“It’s like, one day you’re driving a helicopter, the next, a minivan…” Blackhawk Pilot K..
The Vision for Camp Valor
The Vision for Camp Valor includes constructing and operating facilities where these programs can be administered in one location.
The Location of Camp Valor
After months of negotiation with Gilchrist County Leadership and the Suwannee River Water Management District, the Camp Valor Project found a home near Fanning Springs, Florida on 636 beautiful acres featuring majestic oaks and a magnitude 2 spring leading to the Suwannee River.
The 99 year lease negotiated includes the management of Otter Springs Park and Campground, also located on the property.
While the park and campground will remain open to the public, the site of Camp Valor will be located in a separate area to allow for the privacy and serenity of the veterans and their families while they are in the program.
The Housing and Facilities at Camp Valor
Housing plans include cabin-styled architecture with modern building technology that will blend well into the natural surroundings, and a large, two story lodge with several one-bedroom efficiency style ADA compliant suites.
Recreation at Camp Valor
The location of Camp Valor also offers many recreation opportunities, including an indoor heated pool, swimming in Otter Springs, and several miles of walking trails.
The Camp Valor Program’s four core fundamentals:
The Camp Valor Project support strategy includes requiring participation in the program’s four core fundamentals:
- Rehabilitation (for the body),
- Education (for the mind),
- Enterprise (for the spirit), and
- Recreation (for the soul)
These four fundamentals are designed to rekindle hope, foster independence, renew a sense of purpose, and lay a foundation of strength and community for veterans and their families.
Camp Valor is a much needed program and will serve to create a well defined path to a rich, well deserved, bright future for these brave men and women who have sacrificed so much for their country.
Don’t wait. Please help support Camp Valor.
Veterans and their families are counting on you for brighter tomorrows – today.
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